Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Defcon 17 PCAPs and CTF Game Binaries are now available
Congratulations to VedaGodz on winning the DEFCON 17 CTF. Stats and more later -- here's the rankings:
1. VedaGodz
2. Routards
3. PLUS@postech
4. Shellphish
5. Sexy Pwndas
6. Song of Freedom
7. Sapheads
8. lollerskaterz dropping from roflcopters
9. WOWHACKERThose of you that stayed around for the awards ceremony know that sk3wlofr00t had a slight conflict of interest making their contrived score irrelevant.
DDTEK is happy sunshine to presenet Hyper Parallel Universal Thret Management (HPUTM). Successful tests of HPUTM teknologee were made during the happened qualifications. These quantum predictive techonlogy using temporal acceleration of hardware constipated all attacks known, unknown, unknown known, known unkown, known known, and unknown unknown using hyper turing NP engine completion. Demonstration of HPUTM at Defcon CTF is the prove that DDTEK defense ever stands time and its tests. Techmology all other are not the comparison. The rainy doom spank ass of other monkey software triumphs over oall including poor ruinners Juniper, Sonicwall, Microsoft, Checkpoint.
Graphs all blockage shown for DDTEK HPUTM:
CTF Qualifications Complete! Top 9 plus sk3wl invite to Vegas!
Qualified teams:
1. sk3wlm4st3r (CONFIRMED! as sk3wl0fr00t)
2. Team Awesome (aka VedaGodz) (CONFIRMED!)
3. Sexy Pwndas (CONFIRMED!)
4. PLUS@postech (aka PLUS) (CONFIRMED!)
5. Shellphish (CONFIRMED!)
6. Song of Freedom (CONFIRMED!)
7. lollerskaterz dropping from roflcopters (CONFIRMED!)
X. Underminers (deadline expired)
8. Routards (CONFIRMED!)
10. Sapheads (CONFIRMED!)
alt. sutegoma (CONFIRMED!)
alt. pebkac (unconfirmed)
alt. ACMEPharm (CONFIRMED!)With final confirm that sk3wlm4st3r represents the champion of DC16 then WOWHACKER is 10 and Sapheads_ is number 1 alternate.
- Final Team Standings
- All Submitted Answers
- All Submitted Answers by Team
- All Submitted Answers by Challenge
- Correct Answers by Challenge
- Time to Solve by Challenge
Teams above need confirm there intent for playing in Vegas.
Use the email address your registered for qualifications.
Thanks for fun times weekend!
~ddtek cr3w
DEFCON 17 CTF Qualifier can starts
5 JUNE 2009
Defense Diutinus Technologies Corp (ddtek) is pleased to starting the round of qualification for DEFON 17 CTF.
QUALS GAME: http://quals.ddtek.biz/quals/board.html
IRC: irc.oftc.net #ctfquals
DEFCON 17 CTF Qualifier announced dispite conficker
1 APRIL 2009
Defense Diutinus Technologies Corp (ddtek) is pleased to announce the round of qualification for DEFON 17 CTF.
The competition will be held on 5-7 June - without a stop, participants can be located everywhere. All are to play, but only the 9 best groups will be invited to join us in Las Vegas for the annual DEFCON ninja square off. We also intend to honour the code of the former CTF host and automatically qualify last years champion, the sk3wl of r00t (although we sincerely hope them to participate in qualifications).
The qualification round will be in the style of game board, but answers need not be in the form of a question. Categories will require teams to demonstrate the superiority of hacking into a vast relm of security.
You must be registered for participate.
Registration site: CLOSED
Registration opens: 01.04.2009 00:00:00 UTC
Registration ends: 04.06.2009 00:00:00 UTC
Qualifications open: 05.06.2009 23:00:00 UTC
Qualifications ends: 07.06.2009 23:00:00 UTCMore information that will follow via your registered email address.
Bring all your l33t haxor skillz just leave your Kiddie toolz behind.
Vulc@n Difensiva Senior Engineer Diuntinus Defense Technologies, Inc.
DEFCON 17 CTF Organizer Is Chosen
Today announced that Dark Tangent DEFCON 17 CTF Organizer is chosen. We are a group give the a proposal 1.
Much exciting for us because of our company startup departure from stealth watch soon announce that the technology to the test of time against the current and future attacks. We look forward to our technology, demonstrat their superiority against the security work people and hackers during CTF quals.
We see those who are came before us and creat an experience that defaies all the concerned parties. KenShoto and Ghetto Hackers make beuatiful hard work for CTF over the years, CTF not have be the world cup security attack and defense.
For those of you who are interested the pcaps and game binaries for the DEFCON 17 CTF are now available via bittorrent. Study up and get ready for next year's quals.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Quote of the day (QOTD)
Watching Diners, Drive-ins and Dives I heard the quote of the day. Chef Guy Fieri said "That's not grease, those are tears from a flavor angel." <- Total Win!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Back at it

After the sit start.

Right before the crux.

My future little climbers.

This problem was a lot harder than I remember it being.

Got to love the undercling.